A Tale of Two Blogs

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Way back in 2010, Printable Heaven only sold digital A4 sheets to download. Sandie was putting together the sheets using public domain images - old illustrations that were no longer in copyright. To give more background information she started up a blog. 189 blog posts later and Printable Heaven now sells craft supplies and DVDs as well as all the digital images and there's rarely time for Sandie to update the blog as she's always busy buying products or packing orders!

A few weeks ago I started a new blog here on the Printable Heaven website (this one that you're reading now!) to post news and articles more relevant to Printable Heaven in 2018 and onwards. I'll be posting some interesting 'behind the scenes' snippets as well as other interesting bits and pieces.

You can still get to the old blog by clicking here or on the little Blogger icon at the left side of the website.

Enjoy both!
Public Domain Image Library