Project - Dream Roses framed prints

Create beautifully co-ordinating gifts, tags, bookmarks and cards with our Dream Roses gift set.

Why not frame one of these lovely A4 prints or postcards this Mother's Day, and give it with a gorgeous Dream Roses handmade card, bookmark and gift in a cute little gift bag?

To frame this print and postcard couldn't be easier. Glossy photo paper gives excellent results when printing these but you could also print them onto quality card if you don't have photo paper (printer paper isn't good for this, gives poor results).

These frames came complete with mounts from our local Factory shop, but Wilkinsons is also a good place for fairly cheap frames.

Tape the print to the mount, just at the top will do, then place in the frame.

Voila! Why not frame a matching pair?

Products used on the Dream Roses framed prints

Public Domain Image Library